Consequences from Tacho tampering


There are certainly at least a dozen Irish drivers who are only alive today because the Dutch driver I was double manning with was able to react quicker than the Paddies tanking down the A75 at 60+ towards us even though we were pulling a 12ft wide 100ft long 100 tonne wind turbine mast. Several of them would have ended up being embedded in the mast base had he not taken evasive action.

Considering you were grossing about 130-150 ton and about 130 feet long, I am struggling to grasp the physics here.

That is you were quicker to manoeuvre than the 44t Paddy V8 that was firing out enough NOX to cause a microclimate on the 75.

It a real tragedy you and your co-hero quit because it is now total carnage on that road. At least a dozen incompetent Paddies impaled on a wind turbine at 100kph every week.

A real life Superhero, Walter Mitty or part time racist I just can’t tell. Hmm…

its all true.conor wouldnt lie,and he cant be racist cos all the tangs are pink like him.
heres the photo evidence for the 75 whoopsie,but they pale into insignificance when you see the one from the shift he did once he came off the hull ferry and headed into germany with his dutch mate…wait till we hear how that one happened once he comes back off his night trunk… :slight_smile:

conors german crash.jpg

Conor, on the A75 with the huge alleged load you think you had on why was there not a lead vehicle in front of you warning of an oversized load to traffic coming the other way ■■? The story is another one of your dreams imo !!

Only in his shambles of a country can you avoid jail for attempting to kill a policeman by pushing him on to train tracks, attack 2 people with a stiletto and leave one needing surgery, batter 2 girls in full view of cctv leaving one scarred for life yet get 12 weeks for not taking a tea break.


And people wonder why the authorities are despised.


Perhaps the difference is that, ironically, the apparently more serious crooks tend to have carried out an impulsive act and learn their lessons easier.

The person who fiddles their tacho every single day, picks the pockets of every honest operator every single day - and it’s consistent with our experience that they do not desist easily, that others follow suit, and that there are too large a number of them around.

We would not tolerate a person every day stepping into the high street and moving through a crowd of people and inflicting a small cut with a scalpel on each one - even if the harm inflicted by each cut is minor on average.

The fact that such a person would be treated more seriously than a knifeman who attacks a single person on a single occasion, and maybe seriously injures them, is perfectly consistent with our perception of the seriousness of certain mentalities.

I can say with confidence that, forced to choose between an infinitesimal risk of being seriously assaulted (in circumstances that are probably foreseeable and avoidable anyway), and forced to run a gauntlet of a thousand cuts (from a multitude of like-minded people) every time I leave the front door, I’d choose the former.

Perhaps the difference is that, ironically, the apparently more serious crooks tend to have carried out an impulsive act and learn their lessons easier.

The person who fiddles their tacho every single day, picks the pockets of every honest operator every single day - and it’s consistent with our experience that they do not desist easily, that others follow suit, and that there are too large a number of them around.

We would not tolerate a person every day stepping into the high street and moving through a crowd of people and inflicting a small cut with a scalpel on each one - even if the harm inflicted by each cut is minor on average.

The fact that such a person would be treated more seriously than a knifeman who attacks a single person on a single occasion, and maybe seriously injures them, is perfectly consistent with our perception of the seriousness of certain mentalities.

I can say with confidence that, forced to choose between an infinitesimal risk of being seriously assaulted (in circumstances that are probably foreseeable and avoidable anyway), and forced to run a gauntlet of a thousand cuts (from a multitude of like-minded people) every time I leave the front door, I’d choose the former.

Stop drinking things in the COSHH cupboard, you moonhowling fruit loop.



Perhaps the difference is that, ironically, the apparently more serious crooks tend to have carried out an impulsive act and learn their lessons easier.

The person who fiddles their tacho every single day, picks the pockets of every honest operator every single day - and it’s consistent with our experience that they do not desist easily, that others follow suit, and that there are too large a number of them around.

We would not tolerate a person every day stepping into the high street and moving through a crowd of people and inflicting a small cut with a scalpel on each one - even if the harm inflicted by each cut is minor on average.

The fact that such a person would be treated more seriously than a knifeman who attacks a single person on a single occasion, and maybe seriously injures them, is perfectly consistent with our perception of the seriousness of certain mentalities.

I can say with confidence that, forced to choose between an infinitesimal risk of being seriously assaulted (in circumstances that are probably foreseeable and avoidable anyway), and forced to run a gauntlet of a thousand cuts (from a multitude of like-minded people) every time I leave the front door, I’d choose the former.

Stop drinking things in the COSHH cupboard, you moonhowling fruit loop.



FROFLPMSL… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Perhaps the difference is that, ironically, the apparently more serious crooks tend to have carried out an impulsive act and learn their lessons easier.

The person who fiddles their tacho every single day, picks the pockets of every honest operator every single day - and it’s consistent with our experience that they do not desist easily, that others follow suit, and that there are too large a number of them around.

We would not tolerate a person every day stepping into the high street and moving through a crowd of people and inflicting a small cut with a scalpel on each one - even if the harm inflicted by each cut is minor on average.

The fact that such a person would be treated more seriously than a knifeman who attacks a single person on a single occasion, and maybe seriously injures them, is perfectly consistent with our perception of the seriousness of certain mentalities.

I can say with confidence that, forced to choose between an infinitesimal risk of being seriously assaulted (in circumstances that are probably foreseeable and avoidable anyway), and forced to run a gauntlet of a thousand cuts (from a multitude of like-minded people) every time I leave the front door, I’d choose the former.

Stop drinking things in the COSHH cupboard, you moonhowling fruit loop.


:laughing: :laughing:

Another driver caught at Trowell services.
Looks like prison, is the automatic sentence now. … rn-1266703

Anybody terminally stupid enough to be wanting to work even MORE hours, than the ridiculous amount of hours that we are already allowed to work legally, should be locked up…For their own safety, as they are obviously a complete ■■■■ lunatic. :unamused:
Really can’t believe that 70+ hours aint enough for some idiots, without fiddling to work even more… :unamused:

Should stop every truck at Holyhead and Cairnryan. I’d have no problems with VOSA doing that long enough for the point to be made.

At Holyhead at least they often do


Perhaps the difference is that, ironically, the apparently more serious crooks tend to have carried out an impulsive act and learn their lessons easier.

The person who fiddles their tacho every single day, picks the pockets of every honest operator every single day - and it’s consistent with our experience that they do not desist easily, that others follow suit, and that there are too large a number of them around.

We would not tolerate a person every day stepping into the high street and moving through a crowd of people and inflicting a small cut with a scalpel on each one - even if the harm inflicted by each cut is minor on average.

The fact that such a person would be treated more seriously than a knifeman who attacks a single person on a single occasion, and maybe seriously injures them, is perfectly consistent with our perception of the seriousness of certain mentalities.

I can say with confidence that, forced to choose between an infinitesimal risk of being seriously assaulted (in circumstances that are probably foreseeable and avoidable anyway), and forced to run a gauntlet of a thousand cuts (from a multitude of like-minded people) every time I leave the front door, I’d choose the former.

Stop drinking things in the COSHH cupboard, you moonhowling fruit loop.


Well said, nods head sagely. Reads reply-- howling with laughter, beautiful mental imagery!!!

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