Christmas leyland

thought so col, bristols are pretty easy to spot, im just wondering why they called it “christmas leyland”!

what did you think about the marathon article? i liked it a lot.

Bear in mind, Mal, that the editor of that magazine is so clued-up on wagons that, when he visited a well-known team of Atkinson restorers to do a feature on their Borderer, he actually asked (and I can assure you that it wasn’t a joke) how long it would take to tilt the cab so that he could take some pics of the engine.

One of the team did answer by saying “about 3 ***** weeks, mate”

:laughing: :laughing: tilt cab borderers eh, i learn summat new every day! :wink:

240 Gardner:

I presume that the Atki that we’re talking about is the one behind the Bristol?
If so, aren’t we actually looking at a glassfibre-cabbed Thornycroft, such as a

No way 240! That’s an Atki, and now Marky has confirmed my suspicion that
there would have been little overlap of Mk 2s and Bristols on the road, it must
be a Mk 1.
Well not, actually, despite the fact that it doesn’t appear to have an illuminated
sign, bear in mind that this is a painting and not a photo, I think we have a very
confused painter here :laughing: .
It looks like a Mk 2, a little too tall for a Mk 1, and the painter forgot about the
sign and the timeframe. I don’t suppose for a minute he was there, sitting in
the snow with his brush quivering in his frozen little hand, he was in a
(relatively) warm studio copying from a magazine and adding background
from memory :wink:
The final proof of the artistic licence involved is the fact that the BRS driver,
although sporting the regulation cap, is not wearing his army greatcoat and
muffler :laughing: :laughing: Surely a sacking offence :question: :open_mouth:

While we are on the subject of illuminated signs, did they all have flourescent
bulbs or were some conventional? When I was trunking for Stirlands, and
also at Bulkliners, I used to get all sorts of tweets and whistles on my portable
radio sitting on the bonnet top with the lights on. :smiling_imp:

Thanks for stimulating such an interesting thread Mal, and to you Colingl for
the picture. Whatever the authenticity it’s firmly in my collection now :sunglasses: .

Salut, David.

He’s right - it wasn’t a joke.

I was one of the people he asked - and it was a struggle keeping my face straight when the answer was given.

240 Gardner:
For the first time ever, can I disagree with you about a wagon we’re looking at?

I presume that the Atki that we’re talking about is the one behind the Bristol? If so, aren’t we actually looking at a glassfibre-cabbed Thornycroft, such as a Swiftsure??

I can sort-of see what you mean, but to me there seems to be a bit too much prominence around the radiator for it to be anything but an Atkinson.

glad you enjoyed it dave! me too! :smiley: it may not be finished yet tho…

He’s right - it wasn’t a joke.

I was one of the people he asked - and it was a struggle keeping my face straight when the answer was given.

hey lads, maybe he was just larkin about! :wink:

by the way, its a great mag for all that and im going to get a subscription.

Nope - he wasn’t (nice word play though Mal)

The mag is great, as is Heritage Commercials. We have two great publications for the heritage scene which cover the same sort of stuff but in different ways.

Long may it continue.

indeed long may it continue marky, i get them both also.


240 Gardner:
For the first time ever, can I disagree with you about a wagon we’re looking at?

I presume that the Atki that we’re talking about is the one behind the Bristol? If so, aren’t we actually looking at a glassfibre-cabbed Thornycroft, such as a Swiftsure??

I can sort-of see what you mean, but to me there seems to be a bit too much prominence around the radiator for it to be anything but an Atkinson.

Hmmmm - not convinced, it looks very Thorny to me…

Anyway, I do find Mr. Jefferies’ paintings a little “approximate” on the proportions sometimes compared with, say, Pete Davies

240 Gardner:
Hmmmm - not convinced, it looks very Thorny to me…

Looks like 240 has been at the drink this Christmas :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Oh, and a (late) Merry Christmas to you!

I cant remember for certain, but it was as 68 or 69 when I was doing the school holidays riding out thing and we were in the Addingahm /Crosshills area of Yorks when Dad let a solo BRS Bistol out of a a side road I was keen on truck spotting then but I cant recall seeing any others and I believe BRS kept them for 7 years so there would be few in their fleet by then as 240 points out.

Another operator was a firm called Roadferry who may have worked out of Preston and I think are still around, though I thought the Bristol was BRS design with a production run just for them,as were the previous 8 leggers-its all interesting stuff though

And Marky as well!!!

I cant remember for certain, but it was as 68 or 69 when I was doing the school holidays riding out thing and we were in the Addingahm /Crosshills area of Yorks when Dad let a solo BRS Bistol out of a a side road I was keen on truck spotting then but I cant recall seeing any others and I believe BRS kept them for 7 years so there would be few in their fleet by then as 240 points out.

Another operator was a firm called Roadferry who may have worked out of Preston and I think are still around, though I thought the Bristol was BRS design with a production run just for them,as were the previous 8 leggers-its all interesting stuff though

Yes, Roadferry are still around, now based in Leyland, and are a descendant of Containerway & Roadferry, a state-owned business which would have been entitled to buy Bristols too.