Celebrity Snuffits 2016


blue estate:
And in no1 spot Natalie Cole daughter of Nat died today age 65
No2 goes to Wayne Rodgers age 82 (dr trapper mash )

Who the [zb] is Wayne Rodgers?
Re Natalie Cole, I bet she’s got a new album coming out. Death didn’t harm Tupac did it? :laughing:

r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9mSs2Km … fQoSWquMI-

Bible-quoting con artist Billy Graham close behind at 98.

Is he the bloke behind that Samaritans’ ■■■■■ crap that gets peddled to primary school kids?

Tony Hart a sad day for budding artists.

Tony Hart a sad day for budding artists.

He’s been dead for a while now.

wayne rooney horrible basterd

Tony Hart a sad day for budding artists.

I thought he died in 2009

Jim Bowen. Can’t believe Challenge TV still show Bullseye but seeing the crap “star prize behind Bully” (speedboat/caravan/holiday/Austin Metro on rotation) is mildly amusing for about 30 seconds.

Jim Bowen. Can’t believe Challenge TV still show Bullseye but seeing the crap “star prize behind Bully” (speedboat/caravan/holiday/Austin Metro on rotation) is mildly amusing for about 30 seconds.

I could have sworn he’d croaked ages ago

wayne rooney horrible basterd

A bit harsh pal :open_mouth: :open_mouth: i take it you are not a scum fan :wink:

wayne rooney horrible basterd

Just spit me coffee out reading that.

Ronnie Pickering. :cry:


Ronnie Pickering. :smiley:


Bible-quoting con artist Billy Graham close behind at 98.

Is he the bloke behind that Samaritans’ ■■■■■ crap that gets peddled to primary school kids?

He`s in the mix there somewhere, Muckaway. One of the supposed “founders” of this noble movement is his little boy, Franklin. Bloody crooks, liars and multi millionaire conmen all. :imp:

Nobody called the big one. :open_mouth:

Rest In Power, Goblin King.

and now, Alan Rickman, also 69


Sorry for the potty mouth language. youtu.be/TJQwbJOj2pg

Rest In Power, Goblin King.

:cry: Devastated. :cry:
Please send my sincerest condolences to Dipper Daves’ friends, relatives, fellow dog walkers etc.

Has one croaked or are you just hoping?

Ed Stupot has shrugged off his mortal coil, so if Stu (crush a grape with his obviously well used arse cheeks) Francis chokes on Marc Almond, some satellite channel will bring back “CRACKERJACK”

Just imagine Immigrant and Andrejs fighting over the cabbages


She must have had enough wrinkles removed to build an elephant or 2