Cat. 'C+E' Training Blog - Test Day Update is here!

Unlucky mate. Gutted for you. :frowning: loving the blog though. I’d get a couple extra hours re-training and ask you trainer to take you on as many roundabouts as he can find. That sorted me out for my second test.

It sounds to me like your blogging skills are better than your driving! :grimacing:

Honestly though better luck for the retest matey :wink:

Momentum is king when approaching roundabouts in an artic mate. Its unlikely that you would get penalised for slowing down too early for a roundabout. Try if possible to allow any vehicles/road users to vacate the roundabout so you can try and keep going. Confidence in the gear change obviously goes hand in hand with this.

My instructor yesterday said look for at least 3 blockers before moving out if you can.

Hope everyone is having a lazy/productive* Sunday afternoon :sunglasses:
(*delete were applicable)

Many thanks, one and all, for the input.
Really appreciated.

E’Beaver – Certainly how it feels sometimes! Pop a round in and spin that chamber :open_mouth:

Deltawing – Agreed. And yes, I’m not at all far short. And the chin has never been in danger of falling as I’ve really enjoyed the experience so far.

Radar – You sum it up pretty well. There’s a vast difference as to what you have to produce consistently on test, and what happens in real life. I mean if I was to have pulled out right in front of someone, I would consider that to be dangerous. Slowing someone’s exit off the roundabout is at worst inconsiderate, at best just plain necessary nowadays.
And I’m always up for the next round… oh you mean driving-wise? :laughing:
Trying to work our if you mean 3 blockers on a rolling approach? or not?
I was told that from standing, I should be looking to have 6 car lengths clear (and it was 4 for Class 2 iirc).

Bj86 – Yes, I am toying with that idea atm. By failing it is suggesting there is a deficiency somewhere. Adding on a little more training would seem to be the wisest solution. I think I mention it somewhere along the blog, but I did feel like I was a day behind where I should be on the learning curve.

E-Beaver – Glad you brought that up. I noticed immediately that Pete, the other guy I trained with for 2 days, did this. He seemed to have an imaginary line in his head 10m or so before the genuine road markings. Unless the roundabout was obviously clear, in which case he could just keep moving, he braked almost to the shortened point where he made sure he was in the appropriate gear. At that point he could roll forwards whilst continuous assessing the approaching traffic. And, as the line approached, he could make a go or stop call in good time.

Many thanks for all the views, and particularly those who have left a comment, suggestion and/or good luck message.


I think what my instructor mean’t by “3 blockers” was at least three cars heading off to the same exit blocking traffic, that should give you enough time to move into the roundabout thus cementing your place amongst everyone else.

You are correct Radar-see Crushers response above re; the other learners ’ imaginary line '. Crusher has struck a nail upon its head.