Block out heat when parked

Last year at Guiselwind truck stop around June temps nudged 101 degrees. Im used to the heat but with no wind it was stifling. My fh has night air con but will time out if the batteries start to drain too far, for the first time ever i had the engine running till midnight. Home at the weekend saw the temp at 110 in my suntrap but was perfectly bearable. Humidity was very high near Frankfurt which always makes it feel warmer than it is. As for sunblinds i dont have any, generally just cool the cab down with the A/C as low as it will go, keep the windows shut and open the roof vent…


south of England summer sun shine

Is …

That different to north of England summer sunshine? :smiley:

This is where good old johhnyforeigner excels at finding the shade. I’ve seen 'em parked at the most peculiar angles to avoid the midday sun.

Yes, they do keep things cooler by providing shade and a small amount of heat insulation.

I’m old school, if things are getting too hot, engine on, AC running and that equals driver chilled out.

Dear yourhavingaalarf, you must be 'you’reavinalarf mate. Nothing old skool about a/c, I’d never even heard about it when I was a youngster. All we had was the horse wagging his tail. :slight_smile:

There were mozzies the size of bats I tell thee.