Beverly Bell ?

only a matter of time before this power crazy man hater is shown the door, not only does she hold the record for putting the most firms out of business she also holds the record for having the most rulings overturned which tells it’s own story i think.
for far to long these tc’s have been able to get away with being judge, jury and executioner rolled into one being able to hand out ridiculous punishments on a wym based purely on what side of the bed that they got out of that morning, how can a big firm walk away with not even a slap on the wrist because it’s employed a tacho analysist and then an o/d loose his license for exactly the same offence■■? what other industry anywhere in the world is there, where one person carries so much power and is apparently beyond reproach? the whole things a farce and the sooner this system is scrapped the better.
the dft has voiced publicly this week it’s concerns over how vosa is being run so hopefully this is the beginning of the end.

I like a strong woman.

Hi all, may I ask has anybody out there had any dealings with Beverly Bell ?

I understand she is trying to put all North West based traffic firms out of business.

I hear she has a record of putting more firms out of business than all of the other traffic commisioners put together… :confused: :confused: :confused:

Woman without Sexlife do such things