Beverly Bell on You Tube

Since our Trade Press are quite willing to expose those who have fallen foul of Beverly Bell I do wonder why they seem to have chosen NOT to expose
the nefarious activities of this so called bastion of standards within the transport industry.CM if you ever waken up to the number of copies left on
the news stands each week/month you might one day actually print what drivers/purchasers want to read.

seems it runs in the family,sara bell is the traffic commissioner for the west of England,was going to email the TC north west England and ask them to explain how this woman[Beverley bell] feels she is above the law,doubt it would have got an answer though

seems it runs in the family,sara bell is the traffic commissioner for the west of England,was going to email the TC north west England and ask them to explain how this woman[Beverley bell] feels she is above the law,doubt it would have got an answer though

Close, or you would be if you weren’t wrong. They are not related.

It is definitely Beverley in the video, however.

She will have been told to resign.yet another case of looking after there own .disgraceful really is

Got to say one thing against the dash can driver, you do like hogging the middle lane!!

I wouldn’t want to be the next driver summonsed in for tea and biscuits with Beverly after she has read this thread.

Many offensive posts removed… keep on topic and post in a civil manner or don’t post at all

I am highly disappointed at the hypocrosy of Ms Bell’s personal behaviours whilst engaged in public office. I shall take up pen and write to non other than the Times of London and air my abhorrence. Recompense should be dealt forthwith.

Yours sincerely, Mr J T Cattington