Average annual mileage for HGV

I drive an 07 plate MAN which is used sunday-friday 24 hours a day and when i parked it up tonight it was on 215981kms,weve have got some 03 plate volvo fm’s which are over 708000 kms but theyre going in september :open_mouth:

Mines 10 months old and it has done 80,000kms, and am i the only person who can stand up in a Low roof fh?? :blush:

Mine just passed 100k.It’s 14 month’s old. Usually 80k/year although it run’s a timber crane for an hour or two/day.

we run 4 06 plates all double shifted 6 days per week all on 700,000kms :smiley:

Owner Drivers:
So if you had a 3 year old ( just) vehicle that had 390,000 kms - would yo say that was a vehicle with average mileage, low or high mileage?

I would say that would be on the low side of average, that’s only 1500 miles a week. I would think more importantly is the type of work it was doing during the 3 years, were those miles clocked up on easy trunking runs for instance, and what sort of weight was it mostly running at.

Mines exactly 2 years old and has just turned 195,000kms today.

If a vehicle does an average of 50 mph

Think you might be struggling to achieve that. 40 is probably nearer the mark.

As others have indicated, average artic annual mileage tends to be in the region 100,000 miles.

Got my 04 plate unit in Feb 2006,with 146,000kms on the clock.When I set off later today,after 4kms it will have 850,000kms showing.

a company im doing agency work for at the moment has 56 plate dafs…they run 7 days a week…day and night…bank holidays…only stop over christmas i think…the average shift is 500kms x 2…per day…7000 kms a week…
350000kms a year.
another company i work for has 58 plate dafs some just coming up to the 100000km mark.

my axor was new last oct,and has done 120,000 kms.we have got 3 daf cfs on 03 plates that have done well over a million ks and still going strong.

took my truck into mercedes malaga today for service and was on 232695km and i had it new in sept 07 so i think thats about 150000km per year or about 3000km a week

All i will say on this matter is this,thank god for nightshift driver. :laughing:

mine is now reading 408000 k"s and its just gone two years old.
mind you,a year stint on 24/5 double manned trunking didnt help.

My old 04 plate DAF id on around 900,000 now, glad i’m off it though, breaks down a lot, happy with my 06 plate scani now, it’s only got 450,000

My old 04 plate DAF id on around 900,000 now, glad i’m off it though, breaks down a lot, happy with my 06 plate scani now, it’s only got 450,000

How do you find the Scania, both generally & inparticular for driver comfort, after becoming used to the DAF?

I’m now doing between 1500 and 2100 miles per week.

Got my 04 plate unit in Feb 2006,with 146,000kms on the clock.When I set off later today,after 4kms it will have 850,000kms showing.

704,000km in 3 yrs 2 months - 140,000 mls per annum definitely higher than average…


Our patrol cars cover on average 100,000 miles a year, I cover approx 20,000 a year in my own car.