Atkinson Mk1 & Mk2 Specifications

All the best with the build Paul, Will be a great project by the sounds of it, please post some progress shots when you can. James

Thanks Dean for another very much appreciated reply to my request for help. I certainly have no excuse now for messing this one up!! I’ll be starting laying out the chassis in the next week or so with both the Mk1 and Mk2 being built together as a single project. I’ll post the odd photo of progress if that’s ok to do? Promise not to bore you all!!

And thanks again to all who have been able to provide the information.

A few more odds and sods ! :wink:

Click on pages twice to read.

atkinson borderer72b.PNG

atkinson borderer72a.PNG

Thanks for these Dean. I’m now building a very useful library of information on the Atkinsons which means the model build will be that much more worthwhile. The amount of help I’ve been getting has been quite amazing!