Appleby Horse Festival traffic jam

I tink the hold up was a red n White iveco hoss box from the south of the county :laughing: :blush: :wink:

Used to work for a turf accountant that"did appleby"
Like taking candy from a baby :wink:

Seems like a strong close community to me with a solid bond of clanship leading to perhaps a utopian way of life.

Excluding the ones who nick our fuel what have the Romanians ever done to us.

The more I learn about the travelling community the more I find I want to join them.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to buy a caravan and a horse then just turn up at a site and fit in or do you have to set up your own clan.

Is there an initiation ceremony or test to pass.

Although this ‘Stallion Flashing’ looks fun I’m more interested in the ‘grabbing’ tradition, can girls grab boys as well, can you grab someone else’s wife or in my case could someone teach me how to grab my own wife as begging for coitus every weekend is getting tiresome.

No mention of coitus (it is pre watershed R4) but here`s 5 short clips.