5 Romanian HGV drivers taken from depot by police

i worked with a few Polish guys in my previous job, and they all passed their driving test and got their Class 1 licences in the UK, when I asked them why didn’t they go to Poland, as it’s cheaper and from what I had heard easier to pass, they said it is cheaper, but very difficult to pass, it’s easier in here, so they preferred to spend more money and pass their tests in Blighty, as you have a better chance to pass it here on your first or second attempt then in Poland.

Make of it what you will

I can say it’s easier to pass a C1 licence in UK than in Romania. But the bigest advantage is the time you’ll need to do so. In some areas of Ro I guess you can still pay to get it a bit faster, but no way you can pay and have your licence as I heard on this forum. Maybe a few years ago you could have, but for me it’s hard to believe that you still can for a lorry licence . For a car licence, I know somone who got it as a birthday present from her father ( he worked as a police officer). I will put a link from the Romanian news to see exactly what’s the problem there.
m.stirileprotv.ro/lbin/mobile/in … id=3742289
If interested just use translate…or the proof that if you fail, you’ll have a retest after 4 mth, with all the tests valid for only one year and not 2 as in UK.
5? Are you sure they had a problem with the licences and not with missing cargo ?

In another thread here there was a discussion about East European trucks being abandoned in the UK and drivers disappeared, this could be a similar issue as I saw a report a few days ago that asylum seekers from Syria and Iraq etc were getting HGV licences in Eastern Europe and getting jobs driving to UK both single and double manned.
I know that UK Border Force check in the back of trucks but how often do they check the driver? Get paid to drive here then abandon the truck is a cheap way to get into the UK for many asylum seekers! Come over double manned and go back single I guess nobody would ever know.

I ready work 3 month for one Uk compamy and do international delivery.I done some 10-12 trip over water.At Dover i was stopped by custums 2 time,one time in Calais and one time at Poole.Not one time somebody ask me my driving licence(i have Uk licence and passed in UK).They check my trailers but check absolutely bad .I never bring cigarettes or alcohol or drug or anything illegal.But i think Uk border offecer will never found something if i hided.One lady jump in cup watch around but not ask me open my bag ,sidebox.Uk border officers must change job stile and check more properly.If they not change that in England will be plenty illegal cigarettes and more.

Honest question: what’s the problem with publishing where the drivers were taken from? As a working journalist and publisher, I’d publish this, as long as I could get some kind of confirmation from the police/immigration./VOSA.
No problem. The world in general ought to know how this industry works, rather than hardworking drivers being lumped in with with illegals of one sort or another.

Many of these Romanians have very little and take the risk…

I’d say…

It’s the average motorist who is licenced, insured and going about their legitimate daily business of driving to meetings, dropping off kids and commuting to work etc who is at risk.

I’m sure some of you out there already know about this. If so, please do not disclose the depot.

■■■■■■■ drama queen :unamused: