4x4 falls from car transporter on M6

Hardly use m6 tro brum now, straight up toll Rd, use the agency card to pay the toll.

Slowlane works for Downton’s, Andrew.

The next thing they are probably going to do is charge you for the water flush when you have a dump in their toilets :unamused:

Mind you, there is plenty time for a dump as they take an HOURS break off you each day :open_mouth:

They don’t take an hour of me.

If only the truck concerned…

Had a manual gearbox, this wouldn’t have happened. :smiley: (sorry, couldn’t resist)

Nice to see our fellow drivers were tailgating as usual. :unamused:

Moreover, I wonder how many drivers didn’t divert via the toll road becuase they didn’t want to pay?

Seems to me the perfect situation for the toll road to prove it’s worth but, looking at those queues it would appear that no one bothered.

one of ours,it’s in the workshop at the moment awaiting repair,bit of a mess