18 tonne weight limit Ormskirk

How long has this been in force? Left southport yesterday to head back to the m58 got to Ormskirk and had to turn right at the lights and follow the A59. A bit of a pain in the arsereally. Had to head to switch island. S there no way round this?

Came in about a year ago,your right it’s a pain in the arse.

We do southport then into ormskirk on a Friday have to turn right onto county way to get into ormskirk,right pita tbh.
As chris said been about a year,when you come thro ormskirk towards southport looks like the weight limit sign points down a road in the town centre not towards the bridge as you come past the retail(where we tip into) up the hill.
Far as I can see no way round it when it first started had council bods on the bridge taking reg numbers and pics of trucks risking it

Doesn’t apply to foreign motors apparently. Seen 3 up to now.
For reference I got caught in Shrewsbury and it’s not the police who deal with it, it’s the Council/Trading standards to be exact.
£360 Fine in my absence and the councils who are now hard up are jumping all over this as a source of revenue.
Don’t risk it.

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How long has this been in force? Left southport yesterday to head back to the m58 got to Ormskirk and had to turn right at the lights and follow the A59. A bit of a pain in the arsereally. Had to head to switch island. S there no way round this?

You don’t have to go to switch island at all. Turn right onto A59 and then at next RA 1st exit into ormskirk TC at next set of lights, by Morrison’s turn right up the hill to the main set of lights and turn right onto st Helens road towards the M58 , or you throw a left then a right at the next lights if you need wigan road A577 (Ormskirk hospital)

If travelling in the direction of Southport A570 follow the normal route through Ormskirk round past Morrisons up the hill into single lane past the church (narrow road)down the hill to the lights as normal, it’s only the bridge just before the railway station were the restriction starts

Thanks for that I followed the yellow truck diversion signs

Thanks for that I followed the yellow truck diversion signs

Yeah the truck hating morons in the council think it’s a good idea to add miles to a journey because they don’t want their village/town full of lorries, but buses are ok ,lol But i would go through Ormskirk to pick up the A570 every time, roads aren’t too bad

A59 to. Maghull, turn left at the town centre lights, takes you towards Kirkby, and up to the m58 to m6 or carry on (past the bottom of my road, dare ya :laughing:) towards the m57 and freedom.

It’s a weak rail bridge that’s caused the weight limit, to be fair that bridge has had issues for many years.

Look at this Mick

Alright Dan,the site i,m going to is just over the bridge on the left,apart from being well over 18t my other reasoning for my choice of route was Derby St doesn,t look that wide a road and taking my planned route would also put me on a right side reverse into the site.

Derby street (Ormskirk) isn’t that narrow, wide enough for 2 real lorries side by side. (just) but would depend on where your tipping , ie street furniture and parked cars

The best option for Ormskirk would be for them to build a bypass as the majority of traffic is motorway traffic. It has been getting busier and busier which is why they are increasingly kicking up a fuss about the bridge.