Ackworth / Onward Transport

Kevin your pride and joy 324. The ERF E series which you got new in April 87 with ■■■■■■■■ L10 290 after its mid life repaint at Ackworth. A handsome you at the wheel!!

Ian could you not have got them to give Kevin a mid life refit AS WELL ? the motor looks ok even if it is
a E.R.F. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nice to see a proper ■■■■■■■ badge on the grill even though its not a true 14 ltr monster behind it. :frowning: :laughing:

I’m about due for that refit now Brian I think I’ve got “atki” knees from jumping out of the cab all those years.

PS. still waiting for pics of my old 1418 if you (as the official camera pest at Waugh’s) have any.