Manitobia companys taking on uk drivers

Oh, and you did mention clutch slippage on at least 2 occasions. In truth, they know more about those clutches than you realise. I think they replaced a couple of them.
So you know, they have sent the trucks with that autoshift on the winter roads as a test. If they can take that without shattering then normal, reasonable highway use should be fine.

Your friend in the tyre shop would say they needed to replace the tyres… He is in a tyre shop, after all… :unamused:

Understand this. While I have no stake in BFS, I do not like to see this sort of thing. The company gave me, and others, a chance for a new start. I used to run my own trucks in the UK, and if a former driver, one I had fired, started slinging mud like you are then I would have gone to town. I assure you I would not let it lie.