Manitobia companys taking on uk drivers

fly sheet, things changed at BFS, unfortunately for me it was immediately before I arrived :unamused: There was a ‘them & us’ mentality, with ‘them’ being the office staff, the drivers were treated very badly, the attitude was ‘well what are you going to do about it? you can’t leave or we’ll hound you for the training money, you’re in a foreign country, do as you’re told or starve’ Very different to what you and many others experienced I’m sure, but that’s how it was :unamused:

Yes there are still people there from your time, but why is beyond me, I could bring to attention certain things that would shock anybody, but the people concerned still, for some strange reason, work there and there are people at BFS who lurk on this site and I don’t want to cause anybody problems.

Things have changed a bit now, for the better, but it’s still not a good job, however I still recommend it as a way to get a foot on the ladder, or even as a permanant job if that’s your thing, but personally I was treated disgracefully by them and if I was in the desert and saw certain staff members dying of thirst I wouldn’t give them the sweat from my arse crack :imp:

Please do not confuse my opinions with sour grapes, I came to Canada to take advantages of the opportunities it offers, BFS did not allow me to do that, the company I left BFS to start at did, I’m still there, still enjoying it and without blowing my own trumpet, I’m a valued member of staff, nothing about me has changed since I arrived at BFS, I do the job exactly the same way, I don’t ask for, or get treated any differently from everybody else at the firm, I’m just a driver trying to do the best I can, so the problem was not with me :bulb: