Bunged up ear

Crumbs ladytrucker and Dratsabasti… I’d better not go delivering any Cadbury’s Milk Tray this week then had I?
<<<< crosses off ‘to do’ list (1) scaling mountains (2) diving from high altitudes (3) parachute jumping.
Seriously 'though, thank you both for replying. I don’t think it’s reached an infection stage yet. It’s more likely to be as a result of a virul infection after afore mentioned cough and cold, mostly because my balance is fine (as I type this, I have four seals and a bunch of bananas balanced on a broom handle on the end of my nose while I look upawards to paint the ceiling) and it is not painful.

I’ll give it a few more days to see if it clears, and then I’ll go and see my G.P. if it doesn’t.

Thank you both once again (seriously)