Bob paul - r . i . p

I received this e mail from Gordon Pearce who knew Bob better than most. They spent 18 months paired up together running continuously between London and Iran:

Hi Ash,
Been thinking about Bob the last hour or two since you phoned me,and just had to put pen to paper…

Bob to me was never my boss,
But the best of friends;now such a loss.

We shared some good times,some hard too,
But knowing Bob,we always pulled through.

Bob started a journey quite unrivalled,
Overland to the Middle East he travelled

And what an adventure he made for some,
And what a success he made it become.

Now for Bob its the end of the line,
But to me;NO;he’s with Caroline.

Not to be forgotten,
Bob Paul (left) and Gordon Pearce pose with a friendly Iranian driver. c1966/67.