tanker companies

Hi 3300John I knew a few of Shirley’s lads in the 70s and 80s one lad I did a few jobs with went into the office and I can’t remember his name he was one of those people who was always smart and never seemed to get dirty and we would be doing the same job not like me I needed overalls to keep my overalls clean. :laughing:

Hi Sammyopisite, John.
I think you might be talking about the Priestley brothers, Alan worked for S&R longest before taking over a pub near Yeadon. Can’t think of his brothers name off hand but he lived in I liked them both, even though they were both barmy. :smiley: If I remember right, :unamused: Bob took over the crusader later on.

Hi John you are right I can remember Alan taking the pub now the other was Terry as you say both barmy but hey did not stand out so that says we must have been of a similar ilk :laughing: then there was John who opened the whitwood truck stop and quite a few who went as owner drivers for Shawfleet when they changed the name from Sykes
cheers Johnnie