I thought I was happily married, but then

sounds like ya got yourself a good wife

You certainly have, mate…and a very forgiving one at that. She must love you, that’s for sure! :wink:

Personally, I would find an infidelity on any level completely impossible to get over…not from a forgiveness point of view so much as trust. Once someone breaks my trust in that way once I would never be able to trust them again, and that would kill the relationship quicker than anything for me.

I think that once the temptation to cheat arises then it is up to the partner concerned to address the problem and sort it before it’s too late…we all know that no-one cheats unless something is wrong at home, so the answer is to take the temptation as the warning signal, rather than letting it go far enough to become an actuality…

That’s just a personal opinion, however, and may well say more about me than anyone else!!! :blush: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: