British built trucks on continental work

240 Gardner:

stevie wonder:
240 Gardner, on Jan 11 you posted a series of pics, one of the pics shows a LOWE Seddon ATKINSON YKE 445J, do you have the original pic, i would love to get my hands on a good copy, as this is one of the trucks my father used to drive during his long driving history with Lowes Paddock Wood… he may even be one of the guys stood down the side having a chat. :smiley:

The originals would have come from Atkinson Vehicles (London) I think, and were featured in an article about a trip to Rome with YKE 445J, driven by Les Stubberfield. The focus of the article was that this lorry had the first ‘official’ Atkinson sleeper cab. I also knew the lorry several years later, when it was being run an owner driver form Cippenham, Slough, called Bill Donnelly.

Send me a PM with your e-mail and I’ll send you a scan of the article and any other Lowe’s bits I can find.

240 Gardner, Thanks for replying, my e mail is i remember the Atki, i beleive my father had it after Les, i always remember my dad giving the bunk the nickname ‘the coffin’ as i believe the first sleepers were in similarity to having a box bolted to the back of the cab. I also remember my dad telling me that before the ‘sleepers’ arrived, a night out was spent on a board wedged between the door handles… how the modern day boys are spoilt LOL

Oh, and the night heater was either an extra blanket or whatever you had under the cab :smiley:

Thanks for anything you have on Lowes :smiley: :smiley: