FEEDBACK on LGV TRAINING TIPS & Initial Driver cpc discussed

I was speaking to an examiner at Peterborough test centre and it seems that the DSA are really making a hash of organising tests after 10th September (no surprises there then).

It’s going to be impossible to get the ratio of driver cpc tests:normal driving tests correct for a while. It’s simply a matter of stabbing in the dark and seeing what happens. As you know, there are vast numbers of drivers that will not need cpc for whatever reason but to calculate what percentage of throughput they represent just can’t be done.

As I said previously, we’ve got one day a week - 8 cpcs - initially. I think (hope) there will be enough flexibility in the system for these to be swapped for driving tests with appropriate time adjustments. It’s only the reverse of what’s been happening with the PSV side since September.

I agree it’ll be all over the place to start with but I’m sure it will fall into a pattern that will suit most people.

Here goes - - getting wet time!!! :laughing: :laughing: