Prostitutes Attack Drivers!

Prostitution is technically legal■■? Its illegal to solicit, pimp, live off the earnings, or offer money in exchange for ■■■… explain to me how that translates into ‘legal’■■? If you can’t ask for money in exchange for ■■■, and ya can’t offer money in exchange for ■■■, and can’t use the money that is earned by it then its illegal, plain and simple.

And these guys always have the option of not answering the door when they knock, or at least saying NO… if they don’t do that, they deserve what they get. Your testosterone levels get ya into trouble every time. lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I was doing some reading on this subject this morning. I found a message board where some guy said…“prostitution saved my marriage”…apparently he’s a regular customer. I wonder how ‘saved’ his marriage would be if his wife knew this. :unamused: