Personal Question

Thanks for taking the time to answer everybody. I guess is just shows that some people choose truck driving for their love of trucks, and some do it just as a means to support their family. Maybe its that difference that makes some relationships better than others.

The money can be tough to beat. Pat had decided against driving again when he moved here, but when I got pregnant and was out of work, he needed a job that would bring in the extra cash, and since he wanted me to stay home with Sadie for a couple years, it was his only real option if he was going to make up for my lossed income. It’s hard on all of us, but I try to stay supportive, though it gets tough sometimes… I even resorted to coming to trucknet… lol. He’s doing what he thinks is best for the family, and works his ■■■■ off in the process. His job gets him home just about every day… but thats usually just enough time to eat, shower, and get a couple hours sleep before going back to work.

You’re right about the kids Lucy. Patrick has missed alot with Sadie. He’ll notice something new about her weeks after she’s done it. I don’t usually have the heart to tell him all of her new accomplishments, I want him to be able to see them for himself. Being his second time around with little ones he seems to appreciate what he’s missing more now than he did with his older kids. Most free time he has at home is spent with the kids now. He’s taking extra days off for Seths field trips at school, and is taking a more active interest all around. Its hard to take a backseat to that sometimes, but its necessary for them.

One thing I don’t see much of on this site is spouses of the driver. From what I’ve seen, everyone is either a driver, or wants to be… both men and women. You don’t have to love trucks to get involved…cause honestly, I don’t see the attraction lol. But you guys are definitely a great source of support, even if I’m not a driver…