Personal Question

Just viewed this site and topic, I know we can not dictate who we fall in love with and I should know!! I have seen my son through a divorce because his wife did not like “smelly trucks” or the hours he had to keep etc, I noticed she liked the money that came from the job tho. My own relationship failed for a similar thing and I was given a choice, truck or him, well weighing things up I decided on my truck, after all I did not get let down or got told lies by the truck plus it helped put bread and jam on the table, the partner didnt contribute that much.
Maybe I have just been unlucky with men but I would say to anyone contemplating a relationship, if the partner does not know the haulage game think twice as it is a difficult enough job without added hassle from a partner who doesnt like being left alone too many days.
I am still looking for the right fella to come into my life, theres only one snag, he must understand the long haul game we play