German LGV driving bans. (The WHOLE story...)

Well done, Dave. A very informative post. You put a lot of work in there, mate. Thanks for that. :smiley:

I was talking to my old boss in Germany the other day, and it seems that since the introduction of the Maut, the Saturday driving ban has become a bit more of a pain in the arse than it used to be.

It used to be possible to drive, say, up from Bayern or Hessen to Westfalen on a Saturday using a combination of motorways which were not subject to the Saturday ban (generally those running East - West were exempt whilst those in the North - South direction were subject to the ban) and Bundesstrassen which were, in the main, also exempt from the ban.

However, these days, vehicles subject to the Maut are permanently banned from using key routes like the B252 Cölbe - Diemelstadt (Edertal)
or the B3 Marburg - Borken , meaning that it is now almost impossible to legally drive Bayern - Westfalen or Hessen - Westfalen on a Saturday.

Apparently, the Polizei are aware of this situation and will often turn a blind eye to trucks on the motorway running home on a Saturday morning after 07.00

The translation work gave my brain a bit of a workout, so I benefited too. :wink:

As long as you were sitting in the… Comfy Chair :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing:
Nobody expects, etc, etc… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: