Personal Question

:astonished: i was adriver when i met my wife so it was part of the deal i was on locals at the time so it was pretty good my wife is japanese so the cultures are totally different so in japan its common for the familys to be apart for months at a time due to work i have a freind here who hasent seen her husband for 5-6 months and she never complains i thought she was playing the field but now i know she isnt its strange because most of the women are very loyal and the husbands are terrible when they come home they just go to hostess bars with there misstreses or freinds sleep around and the wifes just put up with it its unbelievable but after we married we lived in england for 4 years and i had no choice but to go tramping just for the money to look after us and the best job available was containers where i could do 450 p/w but i was gone from sunday tea time till the next saturday dinner time she was good about it cause we were living but after a year she was getting misserable and threats of divorce so i got a local job just 2-3 nights out per week and i had a good boss who let me take them with me so that changed alot of things but the one thing iregret was not seeing my son as a baby cause i was never there and to all you drivers who are having a baby i know the only money is tramping but seriousley be with your family and see your kid through the best times cause when theyre gone theyre gone and you cant turn back and it niggles at you later sorry if this is too long but hope it helps