The Fathers Protests

True… but I also said that its having the power… NOT abusing it that is important here. And a lot of custodial parents…(that can be either the mother or the father, just that its usually the mother) misuse the power, and aren’t willing to accept the responsibility that comes with it. If you read the post that Dratsabasti wrote, this man that we’re talking about that climbed the crane,… David Chick… did not lose visitation. He had a court ordered scheduled visitation that the mother refused to honor. The point is that they went to court, the custody and visitation order was placed, but the mother does not abide by the order, and the court does nothing to enforce it. Apparently he exhausted all legal avenues prior to the crane incident. I don’t disagree that climbing a crane in a super hero costume probably didn’t do much for his case. It would probably be interpretted as him being a bit mentally unstable. I would guess that his behavior has little to do with his own case, and more to do with the ongoing policies that are so prevalent in the court systems. He may have felt helpless about his own situation, but thought that by bringing media attention to the cause would someone benefit others in similar situations. He chose a slightly distorted method, but it made a statement. And obviously it had some effect, because we’re talking about it right now.

The fact is that David Chick has the legal right, and the legal order to see his child and that should be good enough. The court saw fit to grant him that, so the mother should be obligated to follow through. He didn’t abandon his child, and there are no abusive allegations. So what good reason could she have? Some women are just bitter and/or just dont want to be bothered with an ex. Let’s face it… lifes easier without them. She should have thought about that before she got pregnant. Denying her child access to his/her father is nothing more than selfishness, and as a parent, we don’t have that luxury. Selfish people shouldn’t have kids. As I’ve said before, abusive situations are a completely different issue. Thats not what we’re talking about here. These men are angry because they’re being denied their natural rights as a father. I’d be angry too.