The Fathers Protests

Kate, Thank you.

From a friend on another website:

If you back someone into a corner, then take away their civil rights,rob them of their families,savings,health and homes as this goverment and its predecessors has done, then people will do desperate things.

I think these men deserve our support in their fight against the institutions trying to block what should be every persons basic right to see and have meaningful relations with their loved ones.

Now from me:

All I can ask, those people who disagree so much with the actions of F4J, think of this, you try doing without your kids, not being able to see them, not being able to contact them, and you have done nothing wrong to them, yet your wife doesn’t want you to see them and she abuses the law and legal aid to stop you seeing them, the common reason is that she is scared of you.

The CSA actually do connect contact with money, albeit indirectly. Lets say you do have staying contact with your kids, lets say two weekends out of three, your ex discovers that if she reduces staying contact to one weekend out of three, she gets more child support, bingo, your contact is chopped.
This is exactly what the CSAct says, if you have the children two or more nights a week, 104 nights a year(52 under new system), then you can apply for a cut in child support. Now should the ex discover this, what do you think will happen, your contact will be reduced to just below the threshold. Great ain’t it.