The Fathers Protests

Indignant men with their noses out of joint? Do you know how many fathers go years without seeing their children? And what some women will do to keep the kids away from their fathers just to spite them? It happened to Pat… and the damage that its caused the relationships with his children has been irreparable. These men have probably exhausted every other avenue they could before resulting to these actions. This isn’t about being a little annoyed with their exwives… you need to look deeper than that.

Granted… in most ways this IS still a man’s world. But is that really the point? We can’t keep justifying the wrongs of today based on reciprocation for wrongs done in the past. Stick to the present and to what matters today. It isn’t about the stunts those men have pulled… it’s about the reasons they pulled them. Don’t lose focus of that. It isn’t a men’s rights issue, and it isn’t a woman’s rights issue… its a CHILD’S RIGHTS issue. The point here is that kids need BOTH parents, and to deny them that right simply because of divorce is wrong. There are so many fathers who find it too easy to walk away from their children after a divorce. The men who want to live up to their responsibilities to their children should not have to ask permission, nor should they have to resort to such displays. It has nothing to do with what he may or may not have done correctly as a husband, it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with how much child support or alimony he pays… or the manner in which women were treated 100 years ago… those are all just excuses these women use to justify their failure as a responsible parent. I’m a bit sick of women that have no consideration for the men who father their children. It only shows that they have little consideration for their children as well. Having children with someone is a lifelong committment… and these women, at some point, thought enough of these men to have had children with them. Parenthood lasts a lifetime, even if a marriage goes off quicker than an egg timer. They need to swallow their pride, lose the ego they get from having so much power over these situations, and do whats right. The custodial parent, regardless of whether thats the mother or the father, has a responsibility, not just to allow contact and visitation, but to instigate, encourage, and assist in it. Not living up to that responsibility should be grounds for losing custody. And unless we’re talking about abusive situations, whats to argue about?