The story of shap

Eddie Heaton:
I took this photo in 2014.

It’s highly likely that a similar image of this memorial already exists, lurking somewhere among the various threads on this forum, although as yet, I haven’t come across it.

There can be little doubt that 99% of visitors to the trucknet site have seen it, or at least, are aware of its existence, but for the remaining 1% who either haven’t, or aren’t, then here it is.

I guess it’s as fitting a thread as I’m ever likely to find.

I’m firmly in the 1% so thanks for this. I know that folks outside of our industry might find it strange to have a plaque for a road but for the vast majority of us this road has had some effect on our lives to one extent or the other so, to me, it seems quite fitting. I have told the story in another thread of how, in the summer of 1968 as a 12yr old, I travelled from Glasgow to Stoke via Shap in the cab of an AEC Mandator that was 10 ton overloaded. I think I can probably pinpoint that journey as the start of my love affair with the transport business.