Effects of a Failed Leaf Spring?

It’s a good few years ago now, but I have experienced front spring damage.

My first Middle East trip and arrived at the foot of the Taurus Mountains in the dark - as I went over the railway level crossing I felt what I thought was a pothole and a bit of a bang, from then on its a slow crawl up the winding mountain road until you reach the top and feel the warmth of the Mediterranean contrasting the winter behind you.

A few hundred ks and finally at Bab Al Hawa, the Syrian Border and time for a detailed look round the truck - Oh ■■■■ - half my front offside leaf spring had snapped.

One of the local drivers transhipping there saw my problem and in no time at all, I was surrounded by Syrian & Turkish drivers eager to help fix my problem. Suddenly there were U Bolts and wedges appearing out of toolboxes and 2 of them took charge clamping up the broken springs with wedges & u bolts.

That bodge repair saw me all the way to Jeddah, a backload in Beirut and then back to the UK, my only regret - in hindsight - was not getting the springs repaired in Turkey as it took nearly 3 weeks to get a full replacement from Mercedes in Germany.