#TopTips video. Should I Bother?

I spend very little time on Youtube, actually mosty when someone one on here, but must admit I did watch some of yours early on to learn basics.

Not seen this one, but didn’t you have a “friend” called Birty or similar in them? Compared to the others I’ve seen, I’d say they were more informative especially vs people lile Trucker Jay (eak). Really not interested in watching someone drive from A to B and create drama on the way.

Why not, its the bssic things which arebthe hardest to learn since thrres no mentoring and such these days. Just chucked in the deep end.

Thank you! And yes, Bertie* is still a loud presence in my videos! (Including this one).

As for last line- exactly, harder to learn and for some embarrassing to ask about as it’s so simple. But the simple things can have the biggest impact. So as I say I’ve a whole series I’ll be making over the next few weeks covering stuff from the Basics to complicated. As I say in this video what prompted me was thinking about my own past, how being born into the industry I knew a lot even long before I became a driver. When I did finally get a truck driving job I was on phone to Dad constantly to ask for advice, so I would like to be that person for others via email and comments as I’ve always encouraged new drivers to enter the industry. It’s often so negative I fear some get put off and never carry it on.

And for people who want to criticise but won’t watch, as I say in the video there’s nothing remarkable or particularly clever about me and I certainly don’t think that of myself, in fact I’m my own worst critic.My experience has been very wide and very varied but that doesn’t make my experience any more or less valid. 25 years a driver is 25 years a driver, whether you’ve worked for one company throughout or like me have a very many. I’ve not done anything remarkable, I’m not super intelligent & I really don’t think I’m better than anyone else. Any driver could do what I have, had many jobs as I have, it’s really common in this industry. The key is working out what you like and doing it, that’s all, that’s all that matters

*I know some think Bertie is childish nonsense but I don’t give f…, people enjoy him and that’s all That matters