Standard of CVs

One wonders how with such short termist attitudes Mick got his driving experience.

Started at the bottom like most new drivers, worked my way up and proved myself, primarily by not clobbering road furniture :unamused: and not trying to get under bridges smaller than my truck :unamused: .

I’m also intrigued with such inspirational attitudes what his staff turnover is like.

Zero. No driver has left since the company bought its first tanker. We only recruit for expansion and all new recruits are on probation where they are trained how to do the job and their driving assessed for a minimum of 2 weeks. All ex-military and EE applications go straight in the bin. Not worth the time as 99% of them can’t drive for β– β– β– β–  nor use their brain. DHL and Stobart are welcome to them and the carnage they cause.