Drivers turned away from ports will be clamped in Kent

This could only happen in this ■■■■ bag cluster ■■■■ of an industry. :imp:

In an area where there is already a chronic shortage of parking, (especially when you consider that said area is one of, if not THE main artery in and out of Europe for trucks,) instead of coming up with a solution to a problem (don’t give a ■■■■ if problem was or wasn’t caused by Brexit either before the usual suspect (s) chips in :unamused: ) they actively add to the problem by putting further restrictions,.(and just for good measure penalties) on to it.
They ignore the fact that trucks are parking up because they have to by LAW …where are they supposed to go ffs.
Unreal,.why is the Govt Dept of Transport not stepping in with some kind of solution.