Bridge Basher



Aside from levelling it up with a bay, for what reason should the trailer need to be raised? Making trailers that can be raised by the driver to above the minimum clearance for unmarked bridges seems like a recipe for disaster - IMO the people able to do that should only be mechanics or tyre fitters (Ie perhaps a skeleton key or something).

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There’s plenty of numbskulls driving trucks now as per the video so great idea let’s dumb it down more so we’re not allowed to raise and lower our own suspension that’s an absolute classic !!!

But that’s exactly the way it is in the job today, there are so many inept idiots who have managed to blag a licence now, that they are actually legislating for them, or with them in mind at least.
That is why we have all this unnecessary electronic crap on trucks now, like the lane warning, automatic braking, and all the rest of it…because these [zb] s can’t drive.

Bang on the nail. When I did my stint on the buses in Brisbane, we had some mini merc’s on the fleet briefly. As you started this noisy little 4 pot engine the A/C came on full belt. The passengers enjoyed this very much in a cold winters morning. The reason given for this was drivers not using the A/C properly. Glad to say they didn’t last long anyway. So yeah you’re right, all down to the lowest common denominator. Those of us that can think for ourselves should be allowed to shoot anyone going for a Darwin award. :wink: