
That’s the one.Disgraceful doesn’t cover it.There’s an interesting clip of Sleepy Bidet on M.O.L with a pair of Lucifer lugs that appear to be sprouting from the creeps temples,tried to post but failed to fly. :open_mouth: Big fan of Russia Today, up there with Unz Review,Lew Rockwell and Henry Makow for authentic journalism.Not sure about Tucker Carlson tbh, can’t trust anyone sporting a Cabbalist red wrist-string adornment as was recently revealed.More than likely a 33rd degreer.

You know someone has gone up in reputation when the Big liars lie about the Small liars - in an attempt to make them look bad.

The most neutral a “Journalist” can be, is to “report the news, and raise hell” at all times, no compromise.

It actually makes someone like Tucker look better if he occasionally has some critique OF Trump and the Republicans, rather than just be a mouthpiece for same, drawing attention to their own arguments, but not those of the other side…

That’s the trouble though: The Left have gone out-of-their way to find “no good, anywhere” in Trump, which puts the Right leaning folks on the back foot in to "not even wanting to hear the arguments of the Left…

It might have been possible to sell the public all this tree hugging stuff IF it hadn’t been so wrapped in swaddling bulls hit - that one’s eyes glaze over the moment a politician opens their mouth, regardless of the occasional pearl of “something for everyone” that might be in there with it…

At the end of the day, “Actions speak louder than words”.