
Just days now for Trump to produce a “Nothingburger” of his own, OR the biggest 3-D chessmoves in history…

The usual court definition of “Proved” - is something “Beyond reasonable doubt”, and that, in turn - is 75%+ Proven…

I’d say that the Turnout Alone is “beyond reasonable doubt” proof that the entire election across all 50 states - has been tampled with to at least the tune of six-figure number of votes PER STATE.

This means that the legal team working either directly for Trump, or indirectly on behalf of the Judicary/Republic - will need to produce hard copy evidence (not merely “affidavits”) that at least 100,000 votes are compromised in each state… The backdoor blinder here, is that these 100,000 vote critical mass - need NOT be “100,000 votes switched from Trump to Biden” or even switched at ALL.
They can be:

Dead people voting
Non-Citizens voting
Prisoner Voting (you get disenfranchised whilst serving a jail term)
Foreign Tourists voting
LOCAL tourists voting (Eg. Person from Utah, the most solid Republican State crosses state line to vote Democrat in Nevada, where their vote would “make a difference”)

plus on top
“Ballot Stuffing” which regular banana republics routinely get accused of
“Ballot Destruction” which local incinerator plants in Peterborough might be accused of

and of course

“Software Hacking”
Where every 20th vote gets switched from Republican to Democrat, in a similar manner to that software that works on those Crane Machines you see in amusement arcades, where even when you KNOW you’ve grabbed the thing squarely - the bloody cuddly toy, of “not much weight” ALWAYS slips straight back out the jaws again, 19 times out of 20. (20 times out of 20 - if the lucky 20th person - buggers it up by grabbing the wrong bit of Teddy…) Cuddly toys are not typically worth £10-£20 each anyways, so the machine is pretty much guaranteed to make money, and the only way to “beat one” is simply wait for enough people to lose ahead of you, and then go on yourself with an increased chance of “getting luck early”… (This is known as “Perching”)

Then there’s “Software Negligence” as well, where votes that counted at one moment, simply get deleted rather than “switched” the next.

This latter case - is actually the most dangerous, but also the most necessary for this fraud to be carried out effectively:
How so?

Because by deleting votes that have already been counted, on the re-count, the overall TURNOUT drops back, and doesn’t look suspiciously near 100% turnout, which would also be why all turnouts contine to be TBA despite states “calling early” and all the other bits that are supposedly meant to get Trump into throwing his hand away, rather than hanging on for the final showdown - a full voter AUDIT rather than just a simple “recount” where the flawed data just gets counted all over again - exactly the same.

…There’s even a backdoor angle in that upto 36% of the “switched” votes could even be switched FOR Trump. They’d still be fraudulent and would prove a fraudulent election if found - right?

So many ways in which at least 100k votes in each state can be proven to be “no good” in some fashion…

It will take time however, maybe 2-3 weeks in which to keep cross-flying the states, using multiple “fact finders” to collate all this evidence when it then gets presented straight to the Supreme Court, as we already know “Producing it to the local state legislatures” - will almost certainly ensure it goes “walkies” if done at the ground level.

No, the ■■■■■■■■ evidence need to blow this wide open - needs to be FLOWN about on military aircraft “to keep that evidence secure”.

Notice how quiet the Joint Chiefs have been of late, those very same Joint Chiefs that Biden thinks he’ll be ordering to “Evict Trump from the Whitehouse” before long… :smiling_imp:

Meanwhile, Trump - is off the play golf, as steady as Sir Francis Drake off to play Bowls on Plymouth Hoe…

There's time to finish the game - and beat the Spanish too.....jpg