Merc DriverCam. Vision problems?


The mirror image is a direct reflected 3d image so your distance perception and sight focus stays the same as though you were looking at it ahead in the distance.
The TV image will only be focused by the eyes at the range that the TV screen is from your eyes.Even then it contains no distance information because it’s not a 3d camera set up.
It’s not rocket science the nerds who thought up this stupid idea should all be sacked with extreme prejudice.

There is ‘distance information’ in the form of a line that is set to the back of the truck/trailer, and another ‘safe pull in’ line for overtaking after that. It’s very accurate.

Conventional vehicle mirrors themselves distort distance…as the Yanks say ‘objects in this mirror may appear closer than they are.’

The US issue was that the DOT didn’t allow convex mirrors for decades and when they finally did they had generations of drivers who only knew flat glass mirrors so they needed the warning which was that objects appear further away not closer.
It doesn’t take the brain long to compensate for that.
Unlike a 2d TV system which contains no distance information at all.
How does a line to the back of the trailer help with judging how far away and how fast something is approaching from around 100 yards + behind.

While unlike a mirror it’s only the short focal length lens of bi focal glasses that will focus on a tv screen on the driver’s side and possibly also the nearside.
But the short focal length lens is only useable when looking down like at the dash instruments, not ahead which is for the distance focal length.
No such problems with mirrors.