The panic buying starts....again


It’s not going to be only buying. If peoples behavior in France is an indicator, this time it will be EVERYTHING, hair dressers/pubs/malls etc. full to the brim in the final days/hours before lockdown. 2 weeks later: RECORD COVID CASES OMG it’s nor working?? yeah who would’ve guessed

Instead of Boris saying pubs close Friday night or when ever.
When he makes an announcement.
He should just say they shut with immediate effect

And would stop the masses gathering making the most of it while the can.

You’d of thought by now he would.of learnt this.

Or just stop pandering to the fannies and leave everything open. The brainwashed can bleat on and on about protecting the NHS and the vulnerable, keeping the R number down and all the other scaremongering nonsense they keep spouting. Do the believers of this ■■■■■■■■ really believe that world leaders actually care if elderly and vulnerable get wiped out? To the governments these people just drain resources. There is absolutely no way they would wreck our economies for decades just for this. They are happy to send soldiers to war to die, happy to leave ex servicemen with serious mental health issues to fend for themselves. There’s 450 people a day die of cancer in the uk, yet Cancer Research isn’t government funded. The governments do not care about us. They are supposedly moving heaven and earth to find a Covid vaccine, why not the same for a cancer cure? This whole Covid thing is ■■■■■■■■ and a cover for something else