Most petty thing you have witnessed on site

Yesterday after running the length of the country, about 500miles, I had ran out of screenwash. Asked the office for a couple of litres to get me preferably to the yard or at least a services.

Almost didn’t get the nod.

This has the beginnings of the four Yorkshiremen sketch all over it:
At least you were given what you needed. My last full-time trucking employer got a new “manager” in the last year or so I was with them (clearly these things are linked). Before he came we drivers had a little lockup for maintenance items for the very small number of vehicles we had, containing things like hydraulic oil, engine oil and screenwash.

New guy sold the lockup to someone else (it was just an old 7.5T demountable body, not really worth much as far as I could see) and did away with our stash of essentials. When I asked for screenwash he said he wasn’t buying non-essential items anymore and I should “borrow some” from the other drivers in a nearby yard (these were drivers for our parent company)

They had an IBC of ready-mixed screenwash available at all times, but just for them. It meant we had to go cap in hand to this other gaffer like Oliver Twist “Please sir, can I have some more screenwash?”

Needless to say I don’t miss that job in the slightest, we weren’t even allowed to call out the tyre guy if we got a flattie without his personal approval. I always hoped he’d refuse, it would have been entertaining to tell plod/DVSA precisely why I was abandoning my vehicle on the hard shoulder :laughing: