A1 grantham speed camera


Green Devil:


Green Devil:
10% +2 doesn’t seem to work on the A1 at Grantham. I got done three weeks ago in the car by the camera in the temporary 50mph stretch along there. Ticket said 57 mph.

Any particular reason why you chose to go 7mph over a posted speed limit through an area with roadworks and narrow lanes? Does your car not have cruise control? Next time just slow down to 50 before the signs. Put the cruise control on 50 or 52 to account for the speedo over reading. And sit and wait it out. It’s only about 2 miles for crying out loud.

In fact let’s look at a simple speed distance time calculation.

50mph for 2 miles takes 2 minutes 24 seconds
57mph for 2 miles takes 2 minutes 6 seconds
70mph for 2 miles takes 1 minute 42 seconds.

As you can see even if you didn’t slow down at all your not even saving yourself a whole minute of your day. Not worth it is it.

Told you the fire and brimstone preachers would be along to show me the error of my ways

I was doing 57mph in a 50 because I didn’t see the sign - probably because I was on the phone and also watching a particularly good bit of a film on my laptop. There you go - enjoy the rest of half term

You didn’t see the sign? And then didn’t wonder if the speed limit had changed once you were in narrow lanes with a barrier either side and speed cameras up on yellow sticks? It’s amazing what people dont see whilst driving isn’t it.[/quote

Certainly is ■■■■ this bloke couldn’t see the bend going into LFE Svs
