Ethics/legality of lane straddling when approaching r'abouts

On a traffic light junction with a right turn lane (as an afterthought probably) just about big enough for a motorbike I took both lanes and I too had someone ram their car up the grass verge (we are talking half the car width here, not just a foot or so) to try to squeeze past. Unfortunately they couldn’t get far as they’d misjudged how tight it would be getting past the railings for the pedestrian crossing. With the side of their car inches from the back axle area of my trailer, I ended up stuck as I needed to turn quite sharp (hence why I needed both lanes) and couldn’t do so without wiping out the side of the car. Much blaring of horns from cars behind and eventually he/she reversed back out again.

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Just reading this gave me a headache. I send daily prayers of gratitude to whatever god/s is listening for being on nights where traffic is light. At the end of my shift, when I feel like I’ve rubbed salt into my eyeballs, at least I can say to myself ‘‘Well, at least it was a quiet night’’ all in all…except the minor annoyances like some drunktards on saturday nights, maybe an unannounced road closure or two.