Driver arrested as part of Scots drug supply investigation





Was an article /prorgrmme on radio 4 last week about solar renewable power.
And they were saying farmers In Afghanistan are using thousands of solar panels .
And there using the power generated to grow opium.
And apparanetly Afghanis the world’s leading opium supplier. Producing 2 thirds of the world’s heroin supply
So here’s an idea instead of bombing civilians and oil fields. Why don’t we just drop a bomb on the fields destroy there crops.

What the heroin industry can teach us about solar power - BBC News

Because the rich western dealers would give a few quid to someone in another poor area to grow the stuff in a field some where else.
So long as their is demand, someone will turn a profit by supplying

Government worldwide could stop the production/supply of drugs if they wished to do so, The biggest problem is the corruption that is endemic within the country’s that produce the drugs, It would need a global agreement,… And a totally trustworthy unbendable force to implement such a strategy…

Producing drugs wouldn’t be an issue if there was no demand for them.
I think you’ve got it the wrong way round.

There was, is and always ever will be a market for drugs.

The war on drugs was lost before it was waged.
Harm reduction is the way forward, sadly too many are making too much from this misery for it to ever change the status quo.

Makes sense to me.
It’s more of a public health and education issue, than a military one.
It’s no war, that’s just nonsense to give politicians kudos, and get funds for expensive toys for enforcement boys.