Digi card U/S Agency Driver


Dancing Brave:
Hello My question is: shouldn’t this be classed as a parity issue (formal employees would not have to stop working if they lose or damage their card), I should expect the same working conditions etc?

Depends on the company. If you’re with a single company over a prolonged period of time they might allow you to carry on as long as you do 2x vehicle printouts before and after starting (keep one and hand the other in).

If you’re working for multiple companies, then theres no parity since you’re basically a new employee and they have no way to check you can legally work. Eg, daily rest has been taken.

Thanks for your response. I work regularly for two different companies so I guess IF my card is U/S then I’m going to be having some unscheduled leave! Atm I am hoping Winseer is correct and it is the unit that is at fault. I won’t know for sure until my next shift.