Across the pond.

What hospital care does one need in the US to get NO big bill for a say, two week hospital bed stay?

I’ve heard horror stories of Cancer Patients getting billed in excess of $50,000 for a two-week stay in hospital, which if true - is absolutely ruinous to one’s personal finances! :open_mouth:
People would surely have to re-mortgage their houses to raise THAT kind of cash - as not many will have that amount stacked up as “savings” - especially among blue collar rustbelt workers, I would have thought…

This is important for the coming election. If the Rust Belt states feel better off now than they did under Obama - then Trump is likely to get a boost from Liberal Blue Collar Workers who maybe held their noses to vote Hilary in 2016, believing that “Trump was no good” back then. A lot of Liberal Americans I have spoken to “wanted change”, but couldn’t bring themselves to vote Trump on his total lack of experience, and they expected him to not last very long even if he did win, which of course he counfounded everyone by doing so.
That’s a LOT of potential “swing voters” there.
Meanwhile, those who DID vote for Trump in 2016 - how many of those voters now hate him enough to vote for Senility-on-a-stick Biden?

It is often said that the best way for a man to get into a woman’s knickers is to “make her laugh every day”.
Whilst a cynic like me might add “Just make sure your own pants are not around your ankles when she starts laughing”…

Trump might win a few votes, or keep a LOT of voters on board - by simply his entertainment value alone.
How many people who were previously “uninterested” in politics - been electrified by the past four years, be it deranged hatred for “Not Their President”, for which he just trolls them more, or for the respect they have for this guy who’s seriously torn up the rulebook for “politics” the world over?

There can be no “halfway house” result in November. It’ll be the biggest upset in history for the Democrats - or the biggest upset in history -for the Republicans.
Trump simply cannot tread water here.
As Boris Johnson likes to say:

“It is Do or Die”.