HGV 2 would I find a job easy?

The truth is you have not been told the truth. These driving schools will advertise anything to get work and not have to go wagon driving again. They didn’t tell you that there is way more drivers than jobs and the 50,000 drivers short has been used since the year 2000.

More drivers keeps wages down stops hyperinflation , if wages go up so do goods in shops which in turn ruins the economy as less spare money from essentials people need.
99 percent of companies will want a minimum of two years on your license plus reference .

I know loads of lads one of them had to declare himself bank ruptas the back of the sun news paper where he got the job from was pestering him for money he didn’t have as they told him oh yeah u be on 40,000 a year.

God help you as the only firms that will take on new drivers are bad firms who can’t get drivers.Not only that wait till your doing a 17 hour shift which includes driving to and from work .
Good luck.

Read my posts properly and I never, ever suggest that a new driver will walk straight into brilliant work. Never have and never will - unless that situation changes of course. Statistics show a driver shortage - but I struggle to understand that and have said so countless times.

But I strongly disagree with the final paragraph. It’s simply not the case 100% of the time. Of course it happens. But it’s not a “given” and it’s wrong to say it is.

And, having read the post again, the statement that 99% of employers want 2 years experience is untrue. Some do, most dont.

Pete :laughing: :laughing: