King haulage bristol


According to this, around £15,000 but that was for Transport Manager. Dont worry, you dont have to give up the van as they run those too. … 15000-firm

Oaaaaft. Must pay peanuts if a trans man is stealig 15000. Il give it a swerve. Cheers for the heads up. I just thought id have a chance of being on the telly really. Il stick another van on the road instead.

So opinions and hearsay on a forum has put you off as quick as that? :neutral_face:
If you ARE serious surely the obvious thing to do is bell them, enquire, and get it from the horse.'s gob surely.
Or is this just a way of telling us you ain’t really a van driver, …you’re just doing it to summet better turns up, a bit like rigid drivers who love to tell us the same. :bulb: :laughing: