M6/A556 link road

All this happened only in his imagination.

Maybe it did maybe it didn’t …but in his/their mind it DID. :bulb:

i beg to differ.
it didnt happen to him, and nobody thinks it did happen.
possibly he saw someone in a similar circumstance and got the idea to post more pish and see who inevitably bites.■■ :confused:

You miss my point DD, he’s convinced himself in his own mind it did happen, and done so, in order to come on here and (unsuccesfully) point out what a far superior driver he is, …and as I keep saying he misses the point that he’s displaying the complete opposite.

When he finally gets the message, he’ll stop making things up and/or look for attention elsewhere.

Did I not tell you that apart from being a trucking legend (confirmed btw :smiley: ) I’m also an amateur psychologist. :sunglasses:
:unamused: :laughing: :laughing: