Saviem's fan club (Part 1)

As much as I like to see the older English makes, they weren’t in the same league as the “continental” contesters were they? As you say Senior, that must have been quite a shock to discover you could have a insulated cab, sleeper cab, a decent engine, seats with air suspension etc. I really wonder why it took 'em so long to catch up with the rest? IMHO the ERF C series and Foden 4000 series came close, but by then the war was already lost…? Putting my PPM’s on now, as I expect a lot of impact from the more experienced lads!

No flack whips, it’s true, for a whole host of reasons…first Volvo I had was an F86, I thought it was the dogs knob at 32 ton, in Europe they were used as a local delivery wagons like Coca-Cola !..the UK, always behind…

Great, good thing you didn’t chucked that in the bin yet Senior :wink: Makes me wonder though… would those bulbs be available in H7 form?

Pretty sure not, too modern I think…